3-4 Year Old Classrooms

For most children, the preschool experience is a very new and exciting time in their lives. It can be met with apprehension, as well as enthusiasm. Our teachers are sensitive to the needs of children who are starting preschool, in order to make their initial adjustment as smooth as possible. The goal is for children to feel loved, valuable, competent, and to learn to trust others. These goals are accomplished as the children initiate positive interactions with others and feel good about themselves.

Our goal is to provide each child with learning experiences that foster all areas of a child’s development. Children learn through play and active exploration of their environment so the curriculum is designed to provide lots of hands-on experiences to enhance their love of learning. We want to give them the opportunity to explore the natural world around them and their community. Positive social interactions allow three year olds to move from the independent and parallel play of their younger years to more interactive play with peers. Throughout each day, there are numerous opportunities for children to learn to get along with each other, take turns, share, settle disagreements, and work independently. This social development is ongoing in the classroom.

Click to learn more about our 3-4 Year Old Curriculum.

Typical Daily Schedule:

7:00-9:00 Good Morning! Arrive in Classroom Free Choice (art, science exploration, sensory activities, construction & building, dramatic play, books, games, etc)

9:00-9:15 Morning Meeting

-Review the schedule of the day

-Helpers -Weather

-Check in on our feelings

-Time to Share

9:15-9:45 Snack/Bathroom

9:45-10:00 Group Time

-Theme related


-Music and Movement

-Group Games

10:00-10:30 Centers-Interest areas/Theme Activities

-Art and Sensory

-Free Choice


10:30-10:45 Clean-up & Get ready to go outside

10:45-11:30 Outside Adventures or Indoor Playroom (Gross Motor Area)

11:30-11:45 Transition Back Inside/Classroom

11:45-12:00 Story Board – What did we do this morning?

12:00-12:30 Lunch 12:30 Pick-up for half day children

12:30-12:45 Books/Bathroom

12:45-3:00 Nap/Rest Time

3:00-3:30 Transition from Nap & Rest time /Bathroom/Snack

3:30-4:15 Outside Play Space or Inside Playroom

4:15-4:45 Free Choice/Small Group Activities

4:45-5:00 Bathroom Break

5:00-5:30 Outside Play Space or Inside Classroom Activities

5:30 Preschool Closes – Good Night!